Monday, May 31, 2004
May 31 - Today in History...
0070 Rome captures 1st wall of the city of Jerusalem
1417 Jacoba van Bavarian becomes countess of Holland/Zealand/Henegouwen
1495 Emperor Maximilian, Pope Alexander VI, Milan, King Ferdinand, Isabella & Venice sign anti-French Saint League
1531 "Women's Revolt" in Amsterdam: wool house in churchyard aborted
1564 Battle on Gotland: Lübeck & Denmark beat Sweden
1621 Sir Francis Bacon thrown into Tower of London for 1 night
1634 US colony Massachusetts Bay annexes Maine colony
1659 Netherlands, England & France sign Treaty of The Hague
1665 Jerusalem's rabbi Sjabtai Tswi proclaims himself Messiah
1678 Lady Godiva rides naked through Coventry in a protest of taxes
1696 John Salomonsz elected chief of Saint-Eustatius
1727 France, England & Netherlands sign accord of Paris
1744 French troops conquer Kortrijk
1790 US copyright law enacted
1821 Cathedral of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, 1st US Catholic cathedral, is dedicated in Baltimore
1836 HMS Beagle anchors in Simons Bay, Cape of Good Hope
1837 Astor Hotel (most elaborate in US) opens in NYC, it later becomes the Waldorf-Astoria
1847 Rotterdam-Hague Railway opens
1849 Last edition of Orange sheet "Journal de La Haye"
1853 Elisha Kane's Arctic expedition leaves New York aboard the Advance
1859 Philadelphia A's organize to play "town ball" became baseball 20 years later
1861 General Beauregard is given command of Confederate Alexandria Line
1861 Mint at New Orleans closes
1862 Battle of Seven Pines VA (Fair Oaks); North defeats South
1864 Raid at Morgan's Kentucky
1868 1st Memorial Day parade held in Ironton OH
1868 Dr James Moore (UK) wins 1st recorded bicycle race, (2k) velocipede race at Parc fde St Cloud, Paris
1870 Congress passes 1st Enforcement Act (rights of blacks)
1870 E J DeSemdt patents asphalt pavement
1878 German battleship Grosser Kurfürst sinks, 284 killed
1878 US Congress accept decrease in dollar circulation
1879 1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition
1879 Madison Square Garden opens its doors
1880 League of American Wheelmen (1st US bicycle association), forms in Newport RI
1883 French fleet under Pierre begins siege of Tamatave, Madagascar
1884 Dr John Harvey Kellogg patents "flaked cereal"
1889 Johnstown Flood; 2,209 die in Pennsylvania
1891 Work on trans-Siberian railway begins
1899 Bronx acquires Keltch Memorial Park
1899 Conference of Bloemfontein fails
1900 British troops under Lord Roberts occupy Johannesburg
1900 Piet de Law captures Lieutenant-Colonel Spragges Irish Yeomanry
1900 Tom Hayward scores 1,000th cricket run of season (sets record 1074)
1900 US troops arrive in Peking, help put down Boxer Rebellion
1902 Australia Cricket all out 36 vs England, Edgbaston, their lowest ever
1902 Boer War Ends; Treaty of Vereeniging signed, Britain annexes Transvaal
1905 Emperor Wilhelm II lands in Tanger
1906 Attack on King Alfonso XIII & Victoria von Battenberg in Madrid
1907 Taxis 1st began running in NYC
1908 Miss Pottelsberghe de la Pottery is 1st airplane passenger (Belgium)
1909 1st NAACP conference (United Charities Building, NYC)
1910 Cape of Good Hope becomes part of the Union of South Africa
1910 Glenn Curtiss flies from Albany to NYC
1912 US marines land on Cuba
1913 17th amendment (direct election of senators) declared ratified
1913 Alexis Ahlgren runs world record maraton (2:36:06.6)
1914 Chicago White Sox Joe Benz no-hits Cleveland Indians, 6-1
1915 An LZ-38 Zeppelin makes an air raid on London
1916 Battle of Skagerrak: British-German sea battle at Jutland (10,000 dead)
1916 British battle cruiser Invincible explodes, killing all but 6
1916 During WWI British & German fleets fight Battle of Jutland
1917 1st jazz record released (Dark Town Strutters Ball)
1919 1st wedding held in an aircraft (over Houston TX)
1919 NC-4 aircraft commanded by AC Read completes 1st crossing of Atlantic
1921 Suffy McInnis (1st base) begins an errorless string of 1,700 chances
1923 China & USSR exchange diplomats
1926 Portuguese President Bernardino Machedo resigns after coup
1926 Sesquicentennial Exposition opens in Philadelphia
1927 Detroit Tiger 1st baseman Johnny Neun makes an unassisted triple play
1927 Ford Motor Company produces last "Tin Lizzie" (begins Model A)
1928 1st aerial cross of the Pacific takes off from Oakland
1928 Charlie Hallows scores his 1,000th run of Cricket season
1929 Atlantic City Convention Center opens
1930 Bradman gets his 1,000th run of the English Cricket season
1930 Building begins on Albert Canal in Belgium
1930 Comet 73P/1930 (Schwassmann-Wachmann 3) approaches 0.0617 astronomical units (AUs) of Earth
1935 Quake kills 50,000 in Quetta Pakistan
1937 1st quadruplets to finish college (Baylor University)
1937 Brooklyn Dodgers snap New York Giant Carl Hubbell's 24-game winning streak
1937 German battleships bomb Almeria Spain
1938 Bill Edrich scores his 1,000th run of cricket season, all at Lord's
1940 General-Major Bernard Montgomery leaves Dünkirchen
1940 Prime Minister Winston Churchill flies to Paris
1941 1st issue of "Parade" goes on sale
1941 32.0 cm rain falls on Burlington KS (state record)
1941 41 U boats sunk this month (325,000 ton)
1941 British troops vacate Kreta
1941 German occupiers forbids Jews access to beach & swimming pools
1942 25th PGA Championship: Sam Snead at Seaview CC Atlantic City NJ
1942 Luftwaffe bombs Canterbury
1943 "Archie" comic strip 1st broadcast on radio
1943 Cardinals Mort Cooper pitches 1st of back-to-back one-hitters
1944 Allied breakthrough in Italy
1947 79th Belmont Stakes: Ruperto Donoso aboard Phalanx wins in 2:29.6
1947 Communists grab power in Hungary
1947 Eastern DC-4 crashes between Port Deposit & Perryville MD, kills 53
1947 Italian Government of Gasperi forms
1948 Tommy Lasorda strikes out 25 Amsterdam Rugmakers (in 15 innings)
1949 31st PGA Championship: Sam Snead at Hermitage CC Richmond VA
1949 Charley Lupica begins stay on 4-foot-square platform platform atop a 60' pole, vowing to stay until Indians clinch pennant. (They don't, and he comes down 117 days later)
1950 Due to rain, Indianapolis 500 shortened to 345 miles, Johnny Parson wins
1950 Laker takes 14-12-2-8 in Test Cricket trial
1951 Netherlands & South Africa sign cultural accord
1953 Lebanese President Camille Shamun disbands government
1953 WSUN TV channel 38 in St Petersburg-Tampa FL (IND) 1st broadcast
1955 Construction begins on Soviet cosmodrome launch facilities
1955 Great Britain proclaims emergency crisis due to railroad strike
1955 Supreme Court orders school integration "with all deliberate speed"
1956 Mickey Mantle homerun just misses clearing Yankee Stadium's roof
1957 Great Britain performs nuclear test at Christmas Island (atmospheric)
1958 Dick Dale invents "surf music" with "Let's Go Trippin"
1958 US performs nuclear test at Bikini Island (atmospheric tests)
1959 Mickey Wright wins LPGA Cavalier Golf Open
1961 Benfica wins 6th Europe Cup 1 at Bern
1961 Chuck Berry's amusement park, Berryland in St Louis, opens
1961 Dominican Republic President Trujillo assassinated
1961 JFK visits Charles de Gaulle in Paris
1961 Judge Irving Kaufman orders Board of Education of New Rochelle, to integrate
1961 Union of South Africa becomes a republic, leaving the Commonwealth
1962 "Tell It To Groucho" last airs on CBS-TV
1964 Charles Schmid kills first Pied Piper victim
1964 Ruth Jessen wins LPGA Babe Didrikson-Zaharias Golf Open
1964 San Fransisco Giants beat New York Mets, 8-6, in 23 innings (2nd game) (7 hours 32 minutes)
1965 Jim Clark becomes 1st foreigner in 49 years to win Indianapolis 500
1967 Bayern München wins 7th Europe Cup II at Neurenberg
1969 "Dear World" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 132 performances
1969 "Gitarzan" by Ray Stevens peaks at #8
1969 John Lennon & Yoko Ono record "Give Peace a Chance"
1969 Stevie Wonder releases "My Cherie Amour"
1970 At 03:23 PM, Yungay Peru levelled by 7.75 earthquake (50-70,000 die)
1970 KDUB TV channel 40 in Dubuque IA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1970 Shirley Englehorn wins LPGA O'Sullivan Ladies' Golf Open
1971 WDXR (now WKPD) TV channel 29 in Paducah KY (PBS) begins broadcasting
1972 Ajax wins Europe Cup 1 in Rotterdam
1973 Glenn Turner scores his 1,000th cricket run of English season
1974 Israel & Syria sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights
1974 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1975 "Goodtime Charley" closes at Palace Theater NYC after 104 performances
1975 Fred Newman makes 12,874 baskets in a one-day exhibition
1976 Loudest PA (76 KW) for Who's Quadrophenia in London
1977 "Beatlemania" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 920 performances
1977 Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani becomes heir apparent to throne of Qatar
1977 Trans Alaska oil pipeline completed
1979 "I Remember Mama" opens at Majestic Theater NYC for 108 performances
1979 Radio City Music Hall (NYC) reopens
1979 Zimbabwe proclaims independence
1980 "Love Stinks" by J Geils Band peaks at #38
1980 Police & youthful rebels battle in Zurich
1981 Cathy Reynolds wins LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship
1982 "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" opens at Eugene O'Neill NYC for 63 performances
1983 37th NBA Championship: Philadelphia 76ers sweep Los Angeles Lakers in 4 games
1984 57th National Spelling Bee: Daniel Greenblatt wins spelling luge
1984 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1984 Viv Richards hits 189 (170 balls) vs England, ODI cricket record
1985 41 Tornados in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York & Canada kill 88 & injure more than 1,000
1985 Guatemala adopts constitution
1985 New Orleans Saints are sold for $70,204,000
1987 Cindy Rarick wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1987 Saul Ballesteros drives 3 golf balls off Mount McKinley, Alaska
1987 Stanley Cup: Edmonton Oilers beat Philadelphia Flyers, 4 games to 3
1989 "Rambling with Gambling" 20,000th radio program on WOR-AM (NYC)
1989 1st International Rock Awards
1989 Speaker of the House Jim Wright resigns
1990 63rd National Spelling Bee: Amy Marie Dimak wins spelling fibranne
1990 BPAA US Women's Bowling Open won by Dana Miller-Mackie
1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 3rd victim, Joseph Ponce
1990 Seinfeld starring Jerry Seinfeld, debuts on NBC as Seinfeld Chronicles
1991 Oldest bride - Minnie Munro, 102, weds Dudley Reid, 83, in Australia
1991 Sides in Angola sign a treaty ending 16 year civil war
1992 46th Tony Awards: Dancing at Lughnasa & Crazy For You win
1992 5th Children's Miracle Network Telethon raises $1,060,000
1992 Barb Mucha wins LPGA Oldsmobile Golf Classic
1993 President Dobrica Cosic of little Yugoslavia flees
1994 Padres score 13 in 2nd vs Pirates
1996 Mark Van Thillo & Abigail Alling, former biospherian win $100,000 lawsuit against Biospheric Development for Space Biospheres Ventures
1997 "Once Upon a Mattress" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 187 performances
1997 Donovan Bailey beats Michael Johnson in 150 meter race
1417 Jacoba van Bavarian becomes countess of Holland/Zealand/Henegouwen
1495 Emperor Maximilian, Pope Alexander VI, Milan, King Ferdinand, Isabella & Venice sign anti-French Saint League
1531 "Women's Revolt" in Amsterdam: wool house in churchyard aborted
1564 Battle on Gotland: Lübeck & Denmark beat Sweden
1621 Sir Francis Bacon thrown into Tower of London for 1 night
1634 US colony Massachusetts Bay annexes Maine colony
1659 Netherlands, England & France sign Treaty of The Hague
1665 Jerusalem's rabbi Sjabtai Tswi proclaims himself Messiah
1678 Lady Godiva rides naked through Coventry in a protest of taxes
1696 John Salomonsz elected chief of Saint-Eustatius
1727 France, England & Netherlands sign accord of Paris
1744 French troops conquer Kortrijk
1790 US copyright law enacted
1821 Cathedral of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, 1st US Catholic cathedral, is dedicated in Baltimore
1836 HMS Beagle anchors in Simons Bay, Cape of Good Hope
1837 Astor Hotel (most elaborate in US) opens in NYC, it later becomes the Waldorf-Astoria
1847 Rotterdam-Hague Railway opens
1849 Last edition of Orange sheet "Journal de La Haye"
1853 Elisha Kane's Arctic expedition leaves New York aboard the Advance
1859 Philadelphia A's organize to play "town ball" became baseball 20 years later
1861 General Beauregard is given command of Confederate Alexandria Line
1861 Mint at New Orleans closes
1862 Battle of Seven Pines VA (Fair Oaks); North defeats South
1864 Raid at Morgan's Kentucky
1868 1st Memorial Day parade held in Ironton OH
1868 Dr James Moore (UK) wins 1st recorded bicycle race, (2k) velocipede race at Parc fde St Cloud, Paris
1870 Congress passes 1st Enforcement Act (rights of blacks)
1870 E J DeSemdt patents asphalt pavement
1878 German battleship Grosser Kurfürst sinks, 284 killed
1878 US Congress accept decrease in dollar circulation
1879 1st electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition
1879 Madison Square Garden opens its doors
1880 League of American Wheelmen (1st US bicycle association), forms in Newport RI
1883 French fleet under Pierre begins siege of Tamatave, Madagascar
1884 Dr John Harvey Kellogg patents "flaked cereal"
1889 Johnstown Flood; 2,209 die in Pennsylvania
1891 Work on trans-Siberian railway begins
1899 Bronx acquires Keltch Memorial Park
1899 Conference of Bloemfontein fails
1900 British troops under Lord Roberts occupy Johannesburg
1900 Piet de Law captures Lieutenant-Colonel Spragges Irish Yeomanry
1900 Tom Hayward scores 1,000th cricket run of season (sets record 1074)
1900 US troops arrive in Peking, help put down Boxer Rebellion
1902 Australia Cricket all out 36 vs England, Edgbaston, their lowest ever
1902 Boer War Ends; Treaty of Vereeniging signed, Britain annexes Transvaal
1905 Emperor Wilhelm II lands in Tanger
1906 Attack on King Alfonso XIII & Victoria von Battenberg in Madrid
1907 Taxis 1st began running in NYC
1908 Miss Pottelsberghe de la Pottery is 1st airplane passenger (Belgium)
1909 1st NAACP conference (United Charities Building, NYC)
1910 Cape of Good Hope becomes part of the Union of South Africa
1910 Glenn Curtiss flies from Albany to NYC
1912 US marines land on Cuba
1913 17th amendment (direct election of senators) declared ratified
1913 Alexis Ahlgren runs world record maraton (2:36:06.6)
1914 Chicago White Sox Joe Benz no-hits Cleveland Indians, 6-1
1915 An LZ-38 Zeppelin makes an air raid on London
1916 Battle of Skagerrak: British-German sea battle at Jutland (10,000 dead)
1916 British battle cruiser Invincible explodes, killing all but 6
1916 During WWI British & German fleets fight Battle of Jutland
1917 1st jazz record released (Dark Town Strutters Ball)
1919 1st wedding held in an aircraft (over Houston TX)
1919 NC-4 aircraft commanded by AC Read completes 1st crossing of Atlantic
1921 Suffy McInnis (1st base) begins an errorless string of 1,700 chances
1923 China & USSR exchange diplomats
1926 Portuguese President Bernardino Machedo resigns after coup
1926 Sesquicentennial Exposition opens in Philadelphia
1927 Detroit Tiger 1st baseman Johnny Neun makes an unassisted triple play
1927 Ford Motor Company produces last "Tin Lizzie" (begins Model A)
1928 1st aerial cross of the Pacific takes off from Oakland
1928 Charlie Hallows scores his 1,000th run of Cricket season
1929 Atlantic City Convention Center opens
1930 Bradman gets his 1,000th run of the English Cricket season
1930 Building begins on Albert Canal in Belgium
1930 Comet 73P/1930 (Schwassmann-Wachmann 3) approaches 0.0617 astronomical units (AUs) of Earth
1935 Quake kills 50,000 in Quetta Pakistan
1937 1st quadruplets to finish college (Baylor University)
1937 Brooklyn Dodgers snap New York Giant Carl Hubbell's 24-game winning streak
1937 German battleships bomb Almeria Spain
1938 Bill Edrich scores his 1,000th run of cricket season, all at Lord's
1940 General-Major Bernard Montgomery leaves Dünkirchen
1940 Prime Minister Winston Churchill flies to Paris
1941 1st issue of "Parade" goes on sale
1941 32.0 cm rain falls on Burlington KS (state record)
1941 41 U boats sunk this month (325,000 ton)
1941 British troops vacate Kreta
1941 German occupiers forbids Jews access to beach & swimming pools
1942 25th PGA Championship: Sam Snead at Seaview CC Atlantic City NJ
1942 Luftwaffe bombs Canterbury
1943 "Archie" comic strip 1st broadcast on radio
1943 Cardinals Mort Cooper pitches 1st of back-to-back one-hitters
1944 Allied breakthrough in Italy
1947 79th Belmont Stakes: Ruperto Donoso aboard Phalanx wins in 2:29.6
1947 Communists grab power in Hungary
1947 Eastern DC-4 crashes between Port Deposit & Perryville MD, kills 53
1947 Italian Government of Gasperi forms
1948 Tommy Lasorda strikes out 25 Amsterdam Rugmakers (in 15 innings)
1949 31st PGA Championship: Sam Snead at Hermitage CC Richmond VA
1949 Charley Lupica begins stay on 4-foot-square platform platform atop a 60' pole, vowing to stay until Indians clinch pennant. (They don't, and he comes down 117 days later)
1950 Due to rain, Indianapolis 500 shortened to 345 miles, Johnny Parson wins
1950 Laker takes 14-12-2-8 in Test Cricket trial
1951 Netherlands & South Africa sign cultural accord
1953 Lebanese President Camille Shamun disbands government
1953 WSUN TV channel 38 in St Petersburg-Tampa FL (IND) 1st broadcast
1955 Construction begins on Soviet cosmodrome launch facilities
1955 Great Britain proclaims emergency crisis due to railroad strike
1955 Supreme Court orders school integration "with all deliberate speed"
1956 Mickey Mantle homerun just misses clearing Yankee Stadium's roof
1957 Great Britain performs nuclear test at Christmas Island (atmospheric)
1958 Dick Dale invents "surf music" with "Let's Go Trippin"
1958 US performs nuclear test at Bikini Island (atmospheric tests)
1959 Mickey Wright wins LPGA Cavalier Golf Open
1961 Benfica wins 6th Europe Cup 1 at Bern
1961 Chuck Berry's amusement park, Berryland in St Louis, opens
1961 Dominican Republic President Trujillo assassinated
1961 JFK visits Charles de Gaulle in Paris
1961 Judge Irving Kaufman orders Board of Education of New Rochelle, to integrate
1961 Union of South Africa becomes a republic, leaving the Commonwealth
1962 "Tell It To Groucho" last airs on CBS-TV
1964 Charles Schmid kills first Pied Piper victim
1964 Ruth Jessen wins LPGA Babe Didrikson-Zaharias Golf Open
1964 San Fransisco Giants beat New York Mets, 8-6, in 23 innings (2nd game) (7 hours 32 minutes)
1965 Jim Clark becomes 1st foreigner in 49 years to win Indianapolis 500
1967 Bayern München wins 7th Europe Cup II at Neurenberg
1969 "Dear World" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater NYC after 132 performances
1969 "Gitarzan" by Ray Stevens peaks at #8
1969 John Lennon & Yoko Ono record "Give Peace a Chance"
1969 Stevie Wonder releases "My Cherie Amour"
1970 At 03:23 PM, Yungay Peru levelled by 7.75 earthquake (50-70,000 die)
1970 KDUB TV channel 40 in Dubuque IA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1970 Shirley Englehorn wins LPGA O'Sullivan Ladies' Golf Open
1971 WDXR (now WKPD) TV channel 29 in Paducah KY (PBS) begins broadcasting
1972 Ajax wins Europe Cup 1 in Rotterdam
1973 Glenn Turner scores his 1,000th cricket run of English season
1974 Israel & Syria sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights
1974 USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR
1975 "Goodtime Charley" closes at Palace Theater NYC after 104 performances
1975 Fred Newman makes 12,874 baskets in a one-day exhibition
1976 Loudest PA (76 KW) for Who's Quadrophenia in London
1977 "Beatlemania" opens at Winter Garden Theater NYC for 920 performances
1977 Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani becomes heir apparent to throne of Qatar
1977 Trans Alaska oil pipeline completed
1979 "I Remember Mama" opens at Majestic Theater NYC for 108 performances
1979 Radio City Music Hall (NYC) reopens
1979 Zimbabwe proclaims independence
1980 "Love Stinks" by J Geils Band peaks at #38
1980 Police & youthful rebels battle in Zurich
1981 Cathy Reynolds wins LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship
1982 "Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" opens at Eugene O'Neill NYC for 63 performances
1983 37th NBA Championship: Philadelphia 76ers sweep Los Angeles Lakers in 4 games
1984 57th National Spelling Bee: Daniel Greenblatt wins spelling luge
1984 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1984 Viv Richards hits 189 (170 balls) vs England, ODI cricket record
1985 41 Tornados in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York & Canada kill 88 & injure more than 1,000
1985 Guatemala adopts constitution
1985 New Orleans Saints are sold for $70,204,000
1987 Cindy Rarick wins LPGA Corning Golf Classic
1987 Saul Ballesteros drives 3 golf balls off Mount McKinley, Alaska
1987 Stanley Cup: Edmonton Oilers beat Philadelphia Flyers, 4 games to 3
1989 "Rambling with Gambling" 20,000th radio program on WOR-AM (NYC)
1989 1st International Rock Awards
1989 Speaker of the House Jim Wright resigns
1990 63rd National Spelling Bee: Amy Marie Dimak wins spelling fibranne
1990 BPAA US Women's Bowling Open won by Dana Miller-Mackie
1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 3rd victim, Joseph Ponce
1990 Seinfeld starring Jerry Seinfeld, debuts on NBC as Seinfeld Chronicles
1991 Oldest bride - Minnie Munro, 102, weds Dudley Reid, 83, in Australia
1991 Sides in Angola sign a treaty ending 16 year civil war
1992 46th Tony Awards: Dancing at Lughnasa & Crazy For You win
1992 5th Children's Miracle Network Telethon raises $1,060,000
1992 Barb Mucha wins LPGA Oldsmobile Golf Classic
1993 President Dobrica Cosic of little Yugoslavia flees
1994 Padres score 13 in 2nd vs Pirates
1996 Mark Van Thillo & Abigail Alling, former biospherian win $100,000 lawsuit against Biospheric Development for Space Biospheres Ventures
1997 "Once Upon a Mattress" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 187 performances
1997 Donovan Bailey beats Michael Johnson in 150 meter race
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Big News From The Healthcare Industry!!
+++++++++++Current Profile+++++++++++
Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG)
Current Price $0.15
A company with hot new identity solution products
and licenses with over 40 current governmental and
non-governmental contracts in negotiations.
Is this an undiscovered gem priced to go higher!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!
FCPG volume trading is beginning to surge with this landslide Announcement. The value of this
stock appears poised for growth! This one should not remain on the ground floor for long.
Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG) is pleased to announce that its European partner, Keyvelop, has teamed up with IBM's Partner World Industry Networks to deliver customer software requirement solutions for the international healthcare industry.
With FGS owning the exclusive North American rights to distribute the worlds leading encryption and transmission software developed by Keyvelop, FGS is poised to capture large volumes of sales generated by customers currently using IBM's software in the healthcare and other industries.
With traceability and security now deemed a serious business priority, companies are increasingly focused on employing procedures and controls designed to ensure the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of electronic records.
"This is a very positive move for FGS and for Keyvelop," said FGS CEO Pierre Cote. "We are very happy about the decision to go with IBM. This is a continuation of the progress made by everyone associated with FGS and its partners."
Buell Duncan, IBM's general manager of ISV & Developer Relations commented, "Collaborating with Keyvelop will ensure that we develop open solutions that are easy to maintain and cost effective for our customers in the healthcare and life sciences industry."
Among other things, this new software technology which is currently being used by a number of European healthcare companies, is used to send any file, regardless of format or size. Encryption keys, evidence of transmission integrity with fingerprint calculation, time-stamping of all actions and status record updating, pre-checking sender and receiver identities, validating file opening dates are part of Keyvelop features.
About FacePrint Global Solutions, Inc.
FGS operates a business, which develops and delivers a variety of technology solutions, including biometric software applications on smart cards and other support mediums (apometric solutions). FGS's products provide biometric solutions for identity authentication and a host of smart card- and biometrics-related hardware peripherals and software applications. Apometrix, FGS's wholly-owned subsidiary, combines on-card or in-chip multi-application management solutions with best-of-breed 'in-card matching' biometrics. Keyvelop's secure digital envelope solution and Apometrix's on-card biometrics work together to produce the winning combination in the fields of security, traceability and identity management. FGS is headquartered in Fresno, California.
The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies That Explode onto Investor's Radar Screens. This stock will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!
All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This profile is in no way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated one thousand dollars from third party (IR Marketing) to distribute this report. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of FGS shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell stocks, this text is for informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial advisor before you do anything related with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high risk and you can lose your entire investment.
+++++++++++Current Profile+++++++++++
Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG)
Current Price $0.15
A company with hot new identity solution products
and licenses with over 40 current governmental and
non-governmental contracts in negotiations.
Is this an undiscovered gem priced to go higher!!
Please read the following Announcement in its Entirety and Consider the Possibilities�
Watch this One to Trade!
FCPG volume trading is beginning to surge with this landslide Announcement. The value of this
stock appears poised for growth! This one should not remain on the ground floor for long.
Faceprint Global Solutions (FCPG) is pleased to announce that its European partner, Keyvelop, has teamed up with IBM's Partner World Industry Networks to deliver customer software requirement solutions for the international healthcare industry.
With FGS owning the exclusive North American rights to distribute the worlds leading encryption and transmission software developed by Keyvelop, FGS is poised to capture large volumes of sales generated by customers currently using IBM's software in the healthcare and other industries.
With traceability and security now deemed a serious business priority, companies are increasingly focused on employing procedures and controls designed to ensure the authenticity, integrity and confidentiality of electronic records.
"This is a very positive move for FGS and for Keyvelop," said FGS CEO Pierre Cote. "We are very happy about the decision to go with IBM. This is a continuation of the progress made by everyone associated with FGS and its partners."
Buell Duncan, IBM's general manager of ISV & Developer Relations commented, "Collaborating with Keyvelop will ensure that we develop open solutions that are easy to maintain and cost effective for our customers in the healthcare and life sciences industry."
Among other things, this new software technology which is currently being used by a number of European healthcare companies, is used to send any file, regardless of format or size. Encryption keys, evidence of transmission integrity with fingerprint calculation, time-stamping of all actions and status record updating, pre-checking sender and receiver identities, validating file opening dates are part of Keyvelop features.
About FacePrint Global Solutions, Inc.
FGS operates a business, which develops and delivers a variety of technology solutions, including biometric software applications on smart cards and other support mediums (apometric solutions). FGS's products provide biometric solutions for identity authentication and a host of smart card- and biometrics-related hardware peripherals and software applications. Apometrix, FGS's wholly-owned subsidiary, combines on-card or in-chip multi-application management solutions with best-of-breed 'in-card matching' biometrics. Keyvelop's secure digital envelope solution and Apometrix's on-card biometrics work together to produce the winning combination in the fields of security, traceability and identity management. FGS is headquartered in Fresno, California.
The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies That Explode onto Investor's Radar Screens. This stock will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade!
All statements made are our express opinion only and should be treated as such. We may own, take position and sell any securities mentioned at any time. Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, goals, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be "forward looking statements." Forward looking statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated. This profile is in no way affiliated with the featured company. We were compensated one thousand dollars from third party (IR Marketing) to distribute this report. Forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as: "projects", "foresee", "expects". in compliance with Section 17(b), we disclose the holding of FGS shares prior to the publication of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the liquidation of these shares. Shares may be sold at any time, even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company. Since we own shares, there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions. Readers of this publication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which are based on certain assumptions and expectations involving various risks and uncertainties that could cause results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward- looking statements. This is not solicitation to buy or sell stocks, this text is for informational purpose only and you should seek professional advice from registered financial advisor before you do anything related with buying or selling stocks, penny stocks are very high risk and you can lose your entire investment.
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