Sunday, May 30, 2004
How can anyone support this idiot? He can not string two words together coherently.
If you want to be blunt about what has taken place, sometimes when you don't measure, you just shuffle kids through. Then you wake up at the high school level and find out that the illiteracy level of our children are appalling.
-- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004. Who was responsible for his shuffling, I wonder?
So that's -- what -- there's some ideas. And the -- it's -- my job is to like think beyond the immediate. -- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Apr. 21, 2004. Yo, dude, you are one stokin', gnarly president, Bra. Like, fer sure.
See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office -- I love to bring people into the Oval Office -- right around the corner from here -- and say, this is where I office. -- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Feb. 18, 2004. I'm feeling sick. Let me show you where I toilet.
Sometimes it's not easy to be the friend of George W. Bush -- I know that. If you know what I mean. -- Dubya, Houston, Texas, Sep. 12, 2003. He knows it is difficult to be his third-person friend. Huh?
By making the right choices, we can make the right choice for our future. -- Dubya, Dallas, Texas, Jul. 18, 2003. By listening to this idiot, we had better not re-elect this moron.
Lori is -- when I met her backstage -- the kind of person that you want really owning a home because she's so thrilled with the idea. We helped her. I say we -- people here in this part of the world did. -- Dubya, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mar. 26, 2004. New Mexico, that's the part of the world where them there evil-doer Democrats fled Texas to stop that there gerrymandering. It is also where Penis Chicanery bought a house to defy the Constitutional requirement that the Preznit and the Veep not hail from the same state. Since Dubya apparently hails from the state of confusion, why was that even an issue?
-- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Jan. 23, 2004. Who was responsible for his shuffling, I wonder?
So that's -- what -- there's some ideas. And the -- it's -- my job is to like think beyond the immediate. -- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Apr. 21, 2004. Yo, dude, you are one stokin', gnarly president, Bra. Like, fer sure.
See, one of the interesting things in the Oval Office -- I love to bring people into the Oval Office -- right around the corner from here -- and say, this is where I office. -- Dubya, Washington, D.C., Feb. 18, 2004. I'm feeling sick. Let me show you where I toilet.
Sometimes it's not easy to be the friend of George W. Bush -- I know that. If you know what I mean. -- Dubya, Houston, Texas, Sep. 12, 2003. He knows it is difficult to be his third-person friend. Huh?
By making the right choices, we can make the right choice for our future. -- Dubya, Dallas, Texas, Jul. 18, 2003. By listening to this idiot, we had better not re-elect this moron.
Lori is -- when I met her backstage -- the kind of person that you want really owning a home because she's so thrilled with the idea. We helped her. I say we -- people here in this part of the world did. -- Dubya, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Mar. 26, 2004. New Mexico, that's the part of the world where them there evil-doer Democrats fled Texas to stop that there gerrymandering. It is also where Penis Chicanery bought a house to defy the Constitutional requirement that the Preznit and the Veep not hail from the same state. Since Dubya apparently hails from the state of confusion, why was that even an issue?